Livestock Time Online Auction Registration

The registration process for participating in Live Webcast Auctions and video streaming for African Wildlife Auctions on

  • The latest version of the app is now available on the Google Play store. This version allows for online bidding on the Android app( search for wildlifeauctions and select download);

  • The latest version of the app is now available on the I Store. This version allows for online bidding on the iPhone (search for wildlifeauctions and select download);

  • The Auction can also be viewed on Live Video Streaming on;

Please take note the website applications perform the best on the latest Chrome version. Please install the latest Chrome version and ensure your setting on your browser have been set as per the attached document.

Please give us feedback on your experience after this weekend’s auction. This will allow us to continuously improve the online platform and your experience.

Very important to change the security settings on Google Chrome to allow for the full and optimal functionality of the website.

Step 1: User Registration on the Wildlife Auctions web

To participate in a Live Webcast Auction, the first step will be to register on the Wildlife Auctions website (If you have already done this it is not necessary to register again, you can just sign in to your profile).

African Wildlife Auctions Live Webcast runs from our internet platform of Wildlife Auctions. You, therefore, need to follow the below process to be able to participate in our Live Webcast Auctions.

Note: Always use Google Chrome when participating in our live webcast auctions.

Go to and click on Register in the top right-hand corner

  • An example of your username can be your name. surname all in small letters for example username: johan.dutoit
  • Password can be your name123 all in small letters for example password: johan123
  • On the Registration screen complete all of the fields up to username and password.
  • Please ensure that you complete ALL fields on the registration page to ensure the site will activate your registration.
  • The administrator will activate you as a game dealer on the system
  • You will also receive a link from the site which will allow you to activate your own profile, click on:
  • After you click on the link you will be directed to the Wildlife Auctions website and you will see the message that your account has been activated successfully, whereafter you can enter your username and password and “Sign In”.
  • PLEASE NOTE: If you have already registered on the Wildlife Auctions website, you do not have to register again. You can use your user name and password and click on “Sign In” instead of Register to log into your profile.

Step 2: Live Webcast Auction Registration process

  • When you are logged into your profile on the Wildlife Auctions website and you have selected the “My Profile” screen, check the top of the screen where you will see the “Live Webcast Auctions” drop-down selection, click on the drop-down arrow and select the auction you want to participate in and then click on “Update”.
  • PLEASE NOTE: this process needs to be completed before every auction you want to participate in, to obtain a buyer number and  register for the auction.
  • After registering for the auction, you will receive an email with your buyer number and registration details.
  • To participate in the specific auction, go to “Game Auctions and Sales” on the “Home Page” on the Menu, and select on the auction displayed in the “Live Webcast Auctions” Sub-Menu;
  • You will be directed to the “Auction details screen” where you can view all of the information regarding the auction, for example, the date and time, a list of all the lots, as well as several quick link buttons to direct you to the catalogue, the live auction etc.
  • On this screen you will also see the “Registration Closing Date and time” of the specific auction. You will only be able to access the “Live Auction” after this date and time as indicated above has lapsed as this is when the auction is activated on the live bidding  platform by the administrator. These actions are usually activated about five minutes before the auction commences.

Step 3: Bidding on Auction Lots

3.1 On the day of the Auction the registered user needs to perform the following actions:


  • Log on to with your username and password.
  • Go to “Game Auctions and Sales”;
  • Go to “Live Webcast Auctions”.
  • Select the specific Auction.
  • The “Auction detail” page will open which gives a summary of the auction catalogue.
  • The “Auction Details Buttons” will be displayed at the top of the page.
  • Select “Live Auction”
  • Users can only select the “Live Auction” AFTER the administrator has started the auction, usually 5 min before the auction starts. This button needs to be “green” to enable the user to bid. If displayed in “Grey”, please press “Control F5” or check if you are still logged on. This can be confirmed by the display at the top of the page stating “Welcome Johan”
  • The user will then be directed to the “Live Auction Bidding Page”
  • Important things to remember while participating in the auction as an online bidder:
    • Make sure to select the same bidding increments that the auctioneer is using, if he is taking R250 bids from the buyers at the auction house, please do the same.
    • Do not enter the total amount that you want to pay for the lot; only select the amount that you want to add to the total bidding value in your next bid. The quick bid buttons can assist with quick and easy bidding.
    • If a large or abnormal bid is submitted via the internet that is abnormally different or higher than the current bidding, the bid will be deleted by the administrator as a precautionary action in case it was an incorrect bid. If that bid amount was in fact correct, please just re-enter the bid again.
  • On the left-hand side of the bidding screen, you will see the viewing section with 2 options, you can either view the live video streaming whereby you can view the auctioneer via streaming, or you can click on View Photo whereby you can see the photo of the lot.

While you are viewing the live video streaming you can adjust the volume, play or stop the video streaming.

  • Several other functionalities can be selected during the auction by selecting the buttons displayed below, it will redirect the user to several different screens during the auction if the user selects to use these other functions on the page.
  • If you want to view more photos of the lot, click on “More Photos”
  • The “Find New Lot Select” Dropdown menu allows the user to select a specific lot to view during the auction. It is important to note that online registered users can only bid on lots selected and activated by the administrator. The active lot will always automatically display on the user screen for bidding.
  • When you click on the drop-down arrow you can select any lot that you want to view and return to the live lot by clicking on the drop-down arrow again and selecting the live lot as seen in the red block. The system will always revert back to the active lot during the auction.
  • Once the Auction is closed and we have completed the Auction, AWA will send you an invoice for the successful lots acquired. AWA will also contact you regarding collection dates and transportation after the Auction of the items purchased.
  • Very important note to take note of during the Auctions. If the site seems to not respond or lagging the live bidding, please select “Control F5”. This will always refresh your page and allow you to continue bidding on the website. Please ensure you are still logged after you have selected “Control F5”

Step 4: Additional Notes for using all available platforms for Live Webcast Auctions

  • When you plan to bid on the phone APP’s, you need to do the following:
    • First, download the app from Google Play Store or IOS App Store by searching for “wildlife auctions”;
    • Register on the website for the auction as above or on the app.
    • You MUST be registered to participate in the auction to be able to bid on the auction on the app.
    • You must log on to the app as you would for the website.


  • Then select the Live Webcast Auction
  • The Live Bidding button must be green for you to bid on the app

Unfortunately, due to so many new software updates and improvements in technology in our day and age, there are several reasons why you may have trouble bidding on the auction. Please make sure that the following things are to avoid having trouble on the day of the auction:


  1. Ensure you are on the latest version of Internet Explorer or Chrome.
  2. Ensure you have the latest version of Adobe Flash-player.
  3. Ensure you have the latest version of Java.
  4. Very important to change the “Security Settings” to allow optimal and best performance of the website.
  5. Ensure you are registered for the auction before the Registration Closing Date and time, all internet registrations close at least 15 minutes before the auction starts, and you will not be able to register during the auction (if you did not register before the Registration Closing Date and time and you want to buy on the auction you will have to be a phone bidder)
  6. If you have a slow internet connection and you can see that your bids are taking too long to go through, please stop the live video streaming to ensure that the data usage is lower, and your bids may go through faster.

Contact Details

If you have any queries on the registration or live auction functionality, please do not hesitate to contact:

Adrien Jacobs: 082 712 7721

Alexi Rough: 071 896 6301

Zadia Lubbe: 079 431 6712

Chere du Toit 082 496 8888

We hope you will enjoy our online auctions experience and have great success buying the lots that you are interested in.