Auctions Services

Live Auctions Services

The bi-weekly plains game auctions are integral to AWA’s success, and the market dominance in this area is supplemented by monthly auctions of more exotic game. This two-pronged approach will ensure that AWA remains the dominant player in plains game, but also sets it up to become a dominant player in the exotic game market.

AWA’s rapid growth now sees it selling more than a 1 000 plains game animals on a monthly basis. The dominance achieved in this arena is a result of identifying a gap in the market thus ‘looking after’ the smaller game breeders.

Online Auctions Services

The online website has four methods of facilitating transactions between buyers and sellers of game and hunting packages namely:


  • Bid to Buy Game Sales: Lots are loaded on the website by either sellers or agents and is available to make a counteroffer on.

  • Tender Game Auctions: Lots to be loaded by sellers or agents, where the allocated lot can be left on auction for a pre-set time. Buyers would have a few hours/days to place their bids.

  • Real-Time Auctions: An entire auction to be set for a specific time, where the lots would stay open for a pre-set time, e.g., 5 minutes and buyers would bid against one another in real-time.

  • Joint Co-operative auctions, where the auctioneer company, e.g., AWA would host a live auction. Buyers would pre-register and participate in a live auction against buyers attending the live auction.

Off-Site Auctions Services

How does the Game Auction work?

African Wildlife Auctions host the auction in order to assist you with:
• Hosting the game auction for the day at your boma’s
• Management and preparation of all marketing material and advertising media
• Hosting and arranging all logistics related to the auction

Contact Us

Amanda Du Toit

Cellphone: +27 78 891 5129
